
Generative Deep Learning by David Foster

CHATGPT is getting a lot of attention. I read again a clear enlightening book about its creativity and ran it. a modified sample that can be run on Google-Colab was available on the net, so I ran this. BOOK Since I was interested in compos…

ESP32 earthquake detector with solar battery

Experiments were conducted on the possibility of ITO devices based solely on solar batteries. The data will be uploaded to a server for viewing. The server was ambient, which is free of charge. Sensors are monitored every second and upload…

Can we entrust the future of humanity to CHATGPT?


初心者のための『M5stack Core2 開発』

M5stack Core2 の開発環境として、所感と備忘録 リセットと電源のON/OFFの操作がどうもすっきりしない。切れたり切れなかったり・・・。 【開発環境】 (1)UIFlow-IDE(オンライン/オフライン) 純正のモジュールやユニットには最適だとも思う。何よりもプ…