HUMAN SPIKERBOX was purchased to acquire BRAIN technology. ECG data from last year's study was acquired. For the terminals, we used easy-to-use ECG probes. The operation was confirmed at first. I am glad that the application software is ea…


大人になると1年が早く過ぎる理由 いろいろと計画して、先月種まきをした。 1)音楽 2)工作&研究 3)英語 1年後、振り返りたい。

Multi-Class Image Classification using Alexnet Deep Learning Network implemented in Matlab

Until recently, students and researchers considered Matlab less desirable because of its dependence on the Research environment and the speed of Mathwork development. However, with DeepLearninig itself being the Black Box and the immediacy…

簡易心電図モニター(非医療器)1-lead ECG/EKG recorders

Comparison and review of portable, handheld,1-lead/channel ECG / EKG recorders by James W Grier Department of Biological Sciences North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota, USA によれば、FDA認可済みで、評価の高い製品PC-80Bを購入し…

Flow of arduino nano BLE communication --- High-speed communication seems difficult

To connect with BLE, the device side (Peripheral) starts with Advertise, which emits a radio wave, the PC side (Central) scans and searches for devices in the vicinity, connects with a device with a specific address (MAC address), controls…

My impression of Orin Nano

Jetson orin nano Low Memory Warning" warning from the system!NVIDIA's message was that it was a low-cost version, even if it was a forum!Even with the increased computing speed, the problem was the swap memory: the Jetson Orin Nano has 8GB…

Building a beginner's deep learning environment

My old PC Intel® Core™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4, MM40G, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Notice Incompatible versionsTensorFlow, CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT all need to be compatible. Make sure that I am using versions of these lib…

arduino nano 迷走

Arduino nanoの記事に触発され購入したは良いが、迷走してしまった。 arduino nano pin map CPUが異なったり、pin配置は異なったりで、基板制作やTimerOneライブラリーの使用などで迷走してしまった。 制作したkicad基板3D

reinforce Landslide warning system by private LoRa

According to the 2020 edition of the Global Climate Risk Index, a report that ranks the impact of weather disasters such as typhoons and floods, the worst is Japan and the second is the Philippines. In the Philippines, many houses are hand…

Difficulty in setting up M5STACKCORE for the combined use of LORA and GPS modules

I have considered using the LORA and GPS modules of M5STACKCORE together, but have not been able to get them to work well together yet. With SPI communication, the pins other than SS are common, so the sensor used by the SS pin can be swit…


『BingのAIチャット機能』にもGPT-4が採用されていることが公表されました。無償利用ということで回数制限とAPIが公開されていないなどの制限があります。 【問い合わせ】EEGの解析について [注] 日本語の単語切り取り、あいまいさ、貯蔵データ量の問題から…

ESP32-Seismographs using Solar Cells

Unpowered seismographs are being considered using solar cells. WIFI is used for data transfer. Currently confirmed automatic measurement for about 2 weeks. LoRA will be considered to extend the transmission distance. BigBlue 28W-SunPower P…

Generative Deep Learning by David Foster

CHATGPT is getting a lot of attention. I read again a clear enlightening book about its creativity and ran it. a modified sample that can be run on Google-Colab was available on the net, so I ran this. BOOK Since I was interested in compos…

ESP32 earthquake detector with solar battery

Experiments were conducted on the possibility of ITO devices based solely on solar batteries. The data will be uploaded to a server for viewing. The server was ambient, which is free of charge. Sensors are monitored every second and upload…

Can we entrust the future of humanity to CHATGPT?


初心者のための『M5stack Core2 開発』

M5stack Core2 の開発環境として、所感と備忘録 リセットと電源のON/OFFの操作がどうもすっきりしない。切れたり切れなかったり・・・。 【開発環境】 (1)UIFlow-IDE(オンライン/オフライン) 純正のモジュールやユニットには最適だとも思う。何よりもプ…

物忘れが激しいため、『思い出しKaggle初歩用語集』を書いておく 【回帰問題 評価指標】 i) RMSE(二乗平均平方根誤差) ・各要素の誤差(予想値-実測値)の2乗を足したものの平均の平方根 ・外れ値の影響が強いので事前に外れ値を外す処理が必要 ii) RMSLE…


オンラインの無料ガントチャートを探してみた。"teamgantt" は、編集は1ユーザで閲覧3ユーザとの制約があるが機能的にはMS-Project簡易版みたいな様相。ひとまず備忘録的進捗管理表として使ってみる。…

時間は長崎新幹線の味方になるのか?, but one must reap what someone else has sown.

Will time be on Nagasaki Prefecture's side against the Nagasaki Shinkansen? Rexently, I learned QGIS. QGIS is a free, open source, geographical information system (GIS). The use of this technology has been increasing in public offices with…

Morphological Analysis of The Tale of Genji

* Methods of Morphological Analysis of English Unlike Japanese, English sentences are clearly delimited in most places beforehand. Therefore, the word segmentation process does not need to be as complex as in Japanese, and is often based o…

sailarmoon on cuda

新年、DeepLearnningの勉強のため、丸っとコピーで勉強する。 勉強チュートリアルは、ちゃまさんの「Xceptionを転移学習させてセーラームーンのキャラを分類する」 そして、せっかくNVIDIAのGTX1650を積んでいるのでCUDAで高速化を図る。 まず、Python11.0で…


そしてその必要性 1)都道府県別全国学力テスト中学生正答率 2)都道府県別統計とランキングで見る県民性 3)中学校生徒一人当たり教育費ランキング(2019年度) Rによる散布図 考察・問題点 全国中学生テストは、公立中学生を対象しているのに対し、教育支…


平安文学における『源氏物語』における 運命に翻弄された女性紫上の哀しみ テキストマイニングの手法を使って学びなおす 光源氏から惜しみない愛情と教育を受けた紫は、当人の資質的には非の打ち所がない「理想の女性」でしたが、彼女には家柄と子供だけが欠…


I tried titanic competition by kaggle. 1) jpynb on VScode(Python 3.10.9) !kaggle competitions submit -c titanic -f submission.csv -m "My fast work" 2) google collaboratory by Tree Model from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/…

Jetson nano 再構築 と Jupyter notebook & lab で、SD単体起動の通常構築とした。いずれも特にドライバーのインストールは不要でGUIにて選択して設定で問題なし。 WIFI:amazonで購入したUSBWIFI XHT-6B12、 音声入力:SANWAのUSBマイクロフォン 音声出力:HDMI 外付…

Makerfire ARMOR65 LITE useing Jumper T8SGplus

I thought I needed to check the CH setting of the main unit, so I took it apart and found that it was CH1-R; 5658MHz.I found out that it was responding to the protocol settings of the T8SG, but after looking around on youtube, I finally go…

google colabを使って


Arudipilot Rover4.1

Application for provisional technical compliance for WIFI telemetry. Since it is a basic FCC WIFI, it was approved for use for 6 months. wifi telemetry Inconvenience in ROVER primary operationMy laptop is UBUNTU 20.04, so I upgraded to ROV…

Pi3 WEB-CameraServer on Poket-WIFI

Pi3で稼働型WEB-CameraServerの構築にTRYした。再構築する際に迷わなくするため、1ヶ月契約なのでIPアドレスはさらしてもかまわないと考えた。 1)2021版RasPi3の構築 いままでは、TEXTファイルでSSHとWIFI設定をしていたのが、設定が反映されず、かえって…

The osoyoo numcum rover Controlled with the ArudiPilot

Last year at Raspi, i was trying to make the ooyoo numcum rover i was controlling drive automatically with Drone software, but it didn't work out, so i have been learning at the Yousei-Jyuku since April. The Falcon-mini controller was repl…