
Not yet move my Rover

Not yet move my Rover,but NASA Rover Lands on Mars to Look for Life.A NASA rover landed on Mars on February 18 as part of a mission to bring back rocks that could answer whether there was ever life on the planet. I'm testing two types of m…


I have been struggling with MOTOR control for the last few days. I found the famous phrase:Command was denied by the autopilot (when I am testing the motors)I did and redid everything and I can't hit. Already researched in all forums. Then…

Basic-Setting for CUAVv5

I have charenged of CUAVv5 using QGroundControl. QGC is simple and useful GUI. Setting up the sensor wasn't too difficult, but I had a hard time setting up the wireless, because I didn't read the manual properly. I purchased a SBUS communi…

Connecting two L298 with a Raspberry Pi for Mecanum

Audipilot-Roverのために、解体する前にPi-Mecanumの配線状況を残すことにした。 Pi-Mecanum 基板を作製する必要がない配線状況を残すには、Fritzingは最適です。 mecanum by Fritzing・・・上が進行方向です.

GPS NEOv2 & MavLink Error

I connect NEOv2 with CUAV. I would monitor position by MissionPlanner. Althogh I could monitor correct position, I couldn't control CUAVv5. Then MavLink message raised. I doubted USB control, so I execute below command. sudo usermod -a -G …

CUAVv5 FlightControler with MissionPlanner

Inspired by self-drone seminar, I bought CUAVv5. I decide buying CUAV because other fabricator develop slowly. I heard that I have to learn from English site. After software instlled, I checked firmware version for CUAVv5 from MissionPlann…


物体検出やセグメンテーションのクラス数もサンプル数も大きいデータセット、Google の Open Images Dataset のアノテーション付きデータを活用する。 というわけで、OIDv4-Toolkit でdolphinを、maruo_51さんのページを見てそのまんまの方法でダウンロード…