Difficulty in setting up M5STACKCORE for the combined use of LORA and GPS modules

I have considered using the LORA and GPS modules of M5STACKCORE together, but have not been able to get them to work well together yet.

With SPI communication, the pins other than SS are common, so the sensor used by the SS pin can be switched. However on M5Core2 by default GPIO33 is used as external I2C(SCL).

Core2 pin-array


0) GPS unit

GPS unit

GPS unit

1) ES920LR3 by MaiaR Create


①Tx-32,Rx-33/default : 33pin is in conflict, with LoRa module and GPSunit.

②Tx-13,Rx-14 : under consideration

③Tx-38,Rx-26 : under consideration

2) LoRa868 module

LoRa868 pin-array

33pin is in conflict, with LoRa868 module and GPSunit.

3) Module GPS SKU:M003

Module GPS SKU:M003 has not been purchased yet, but the possibility of using it with LoRA may be possible since the SCI port can be selected, but the cost is prohibitive, so I am considering purchasing it.

m5-docs (m5stack.com)

The series communicate protocol between M5Core and GPS is UART, physically connected via UART2 (GPIO16, GPIO17)

M5Stack Fire has occupied GPIO16 / 17 to connect with the PSRAM by default, it's conflict with TXD / RXD (GPIO16, GPIO17) of GPS module. Therefore, when using the GPS module with the M5Stack Fire, you might have to cut the TXD and RXD from GPS module and wire fly to another set of UART pin
